Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Hide My WordPress Plugin


For most websites, it's necessary to hide your WordPress login information or else people could determine how you login. This is because WordPress is used by many users around the world and even though you might have an international domain name, some users might still access your website through a proxy server. Hiding your WordPress username and password is actually easy and it doesn't take much time to set this up. In fact, you can do this while you are developing your website.

Really Simple SSL is a WordPress plugin which provides an easy method for switching an existing website from HTTP to HTTPS. As a result, all your web pages will be converted to use the secure urls instead of the common regular urls which hackers use. When a SSL certificate is due to expire, the plugin will automatically send you a notice email. If you don't disable this option, then some of your readers may be able to see your username and password.

Hide WP Plugin comes with several features including the ability to change the color theme and the size of the font on your posts. You can also hide your login form from within the WordPress menu. There are lots of other great features like hiding your email address in posts, hiding search boxes and even customizing your header so that the color theme is consistent across all of your posts.

The problem with many security plugins is that they hide sensitive information from your readers. Hiding your usernames and passwords from view while you are developing your website is essential. In fact, the Really Simple SSL security plugins automatically add secure urls to every article you publish and automatically sends an email when that information changes. This ensures that hackers cannot get their hands on it.

Most of these plugins hide sensitive information by using encryption at the URL's. However, hackers can break through this encryption and read the usernames and passwords in real time. For example, if you publish a tutorial on your WordPress blog and do not set the'show_uri_links' option to 'true', then a hacker could read this tutorial and try to obtain the usernames and passwords you use.

To fix this problem, simply change the settings for your security plugin and add a version number to each url you wish to hide. This way, you can make sure that no version number will match. Alternatively, you can use a different URL for each version number. For example, you could use 'version=2.0' as the version number instead of just using the simple Version Number'.

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