Care Pro of NY is one of the leading home care agencies in NYC, providing compassionate and professional in-home health and personal care services for elderly and chronically ill patients through professionally trained and caring caregivers.
Chronic non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease are a significant burden on the Indonesian population [1]. The lack of formal institutions to support these disadvantaged patients, including hospices and respite care, results in family members being the primary caregivers at home for the palliative care of their loved ones with terminal illness.
Despite being the main caregiver, most family members in Indonesia have limited basic skills and experience in managing their patient’s daily needs and symptoms. They may feel overwhelmed and are unsure of their roles. Nevertheless, caring for the sick family member is considered an obligation in Asian culture. Therefore, basic skills training for family Care pro home care indonesia is crucial in maintaining a high quality of life (QoL) for palliative cancer patients.
The tiered neighborhood system and gotong royong mutual assistance in Indonesia are valuable resources for identifying patients and families who need palliative care and helping them to access this service. Trained community health volunteers are also valuable assets in delivering this care, especially for patients with cancer and other long-term conditions.
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